Information often gets lost in the spaces in between, thus it’s easy to lose connection to that which is created in these spaces. Information / life force / prana / qi / spirit / nature, often lives in these places in between. Between the parts that are shown and the parts that aren’t. Thus it longs to be seen. Not in an abrupt, neon way that analyses, but in a way that is hospitable.
If you look with an analysing eye–to gain something, to use something–it does not present itself. But to the eye of the heart, this Space Between seems to open itself. To the eye that welcomes it all, all is available, if one chooses to see. But it exists anyway. Whether we choose to see it or not. That’s the magic. It’s a choice if we want to be co-weavers of the web or let the web have no weaver.
The intention of Space Between is to take you beyond the yoga mat, beyond the breath, beyond the philosophies, to bring you back into your own body and to integrate these personal practices of showing up, with authenticity and integrity in your own life.
We offer this through simple and accessible tools for self-regulation, with group and 1:1 offerings both online through the Self-Practice Portal, and in-person. This space is a toolbox, our tools being mind, body, breath, the space around us, and the relationship we have to that space.
Jess, the founder of Space Between, is currently traveling around Australia and is available for 1:1 and group sessions online. Connect here.